Alternative Fuels Projects Unit

In 2023 TII’s responsibilities were expanded to include the provision of electric vehicle recharging and alternative fuel refuelling infrastructure.

Under the Road Traffic and Roads (Amendment) Act 2023, TII will support the provision of a safe and efficient network of recharging and refuelling infrastructure for zero to low emission vehicles. This work supports Ireland in meeting our commitments under the Regulation for the Deployment of Alternative Fuels Infrastructure (AFIR) as set out by the European Union. AFIR aims to promote the use of alternative fuels for transport, including electric vehicles and hydrogen, by increasing the number of recharging and refuelling stations across the Union.

The Alternative Fuels Projects Unit at TII focuses on planning for the provision of three key elements of future infrastructure:

  • En-route electric vehicle recharging for cars and vans (LDVs).
  • En-route electric vehicle recharging for heavy duty vehicles (HDVs) such as lorries and buses.
  • En-route hydrogen refuelling stations for heavy duty vehicles (HDVs) such as lorries and buses.

The first infrastructure scheme under this unit was launched in February 2024. Funded by our partner Zero Emissions Vehicles Ireland, the ZEVI Charging Infrastructure LDV En-Route Grant Scheme aims to incentivise the delivery of high-power recharging pools along major roads.

Additionally, TII are working to support the decarbonisation of the freight sector through incentives for electric and alternative fuel HDVs through the Zero-Emission Heavy Duty Vehicle Purchase Grant Scheme.


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Zero Emission Vehicles Ireland
ZEVI EV Charging Infrastructure LDV En-Route Grant Scheme
Zero-Emission Heavy Duty Vehicle Purchase Grant Scheme
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