Appropriate Assessment – Public Consultation
Under the European Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011, where Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) proposes to adopt a plan or carry out a development that might have significant effects on European sites, it must conduct what is known as an Appropriate Assessment. An Appropriate Assessment is an assessment to determine whether a plan or project will have negative effects on European sites, which are sites selected to protect important types of flora, fauna and habitats. To inform Appropriate Assessments, TII prepares Natura Impact Statements (NISs), which are scientific reports that examine the possible implications of plans or projects for these European sites. Where it has been determined that an Appropriate Assessment is required and before making a determination, the Regulations require TII to carry out a public consultation and publish a notice of the proposed plan or project. Notices, along with related Natura Impact Statements and other relevant information and documentation, relating to proposed plans or projects that are currently the subject of public consultation may be viewed by following the appropriate links below. The notices provide information on, amongst other things: the location, nature and extent of the proposed plan(s) or project(s); the possible decisions; when and how submissions and observations can be made; and, where, when and how documents may be viewed.
Some information contained within the NISs could, if made publicly available, pose a risk to the conservation of protected species or habitats. For this reason, this information has been redacted. Personal data has also been redacted pursuant to the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation. N14 Cavan Bridge (County Donegal) Works